A tax on sugary drinks should be introduced as part of a package aimed at reducing obesity rates among children, say MPs.
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A tax on sugary drinks should be introduced as part of a package aimed at reducing obesity rates among children, say MPs.
Tens of thousands of British people with cancer will struggle to afford Christmas this year, says a leading charity.
A joint report by two child birth charities say it has revealed “shocking” variations in care for twins, triplets and other multiples across England.
Calling all people who are scared or just a little bit apprehensive about lying back in the chair at the dentist’s surgery – a dose of cognitive behavioural (CBT) therapy might be just the ticket for stress-free treatment.
Fewer children are dying from cancer today compared to the first decade of the century, new figures suggest.
What are the key skills that parents can teach their children? We asked parents and experts to draw up a list.
Is the daily grind getting you down? Does your commute to and from work sap your energy and make you miserable? Get 10 tips for a healthier commute.
In recent years, there’s been interest in whether what we eat can influence inflammation in the body. We looked at the claims being made and the evidence for them.
Read about 10 afternoon energy boosters to beat the mid-afternoon slump.
Over the years, scientists have found various genetic variations that affect the chances of being overweight. So is it all in your genes? The answer is more complicated than you’d think.
There’s a distinct difference between mess and a bit of clutter and hoarding. Learn more here.
Urgent action is needed to prevent tens of thousands of people in the UK dying needlessly again this winter, says a leading charity for the elderly.
More Year 6 children leaving primary school are overweight or obese, but there are now fewer obese children in reception classes
GPs have a duty to report their patients who continue to drive when told they are medically unfit to stay behind the wheel, says the General Medical Council (GMC).
Folic acid should be added to bread and flour to help cut the number of children born or aborted with birth defects, say health experts.
Babies born in hospitals in England at weekends are more likely to die than those born on weekdays, say researchers.
Researchers at a UK breast cancer prevention clinic have reported a surge in the number of women opting for preventative double mastectomies in the past 2 years which they attribute to the ‘Angelina Jolie effect’.
Being lonely can trigger cellular changes in your body that increase the chances of illness and early death, according to a US study.
Children with ADHD who take medicines to control their behaviour and improve concentration experience sleep problems, a small study has concluded.
Junior doctors in England are preparing to strike next week after doctors’ leaders and the government failed to reach an agreement about a new contract. Find out what the industrial action means for you.
Eating a healthy balanced diet may sound boring. Yet there are plenty of small changes you can make to improve your diet, which don’t take much work.
What makes a bully? It’s a complex question with a variety of possible explanations.
Researchers in the UK are harnessing the regenerative capabilities found in amphibians such as salamanders to develop a new kind of medication that can help bones heal faster and more effectively.
NHS England is starting a consultation on the future of the Cancer Drugs Fund, which is due to end next April.
New guidelines have been issued to help NHS staff reduce the number of premature babies born each year in England and Wales.
Important opportunities are being missed to prevent hundreds of stillbirths in the UK, according to an investigation.
Couples who have sex once a week may be doing it just about right to stay happiest in their relationship, say researchers.
UK researchers say smokers’ brains age faster than those of non-smokers.
The NHS in England is offering free home HIV test kits to try to encourage people at the highest risk of the condition to get checked.
Pet owners and animal lovers are being urged to do more to fight superbugs and antibiotic resistance.
Three quarters of pregnant women with diabetes have blood glucose levels high enough during early pregnancy to put the health of their unborn child at risk, according to a report.
Giving schoolchildren a healthy breakfast before packing them off to school could be one of the most important things a parent can do to help them get good exam results, says a study.
Cancer charities say the decision by England’s health rationing body to reject the breast cancer medication Kadcyla from routine use on the NHS is “hugely disappointing”.
The new more stringent test to assess whether someone is eligible for disability benefits in England may have taken a “serious” toll on the nation’s mental health, according to a study.
Drinking a moderate amount of coffee each day may reduce your risk of dying from heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other conditions, according to a study.
Can changing your diet help manage symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome, or PMS?
A survey for Breast Cancer Care suggests that 1 in 3 woman don’t check their breasts regularly for changes that could be a sign of cancer.
Next time you visit your GP, you might see a pharmacist instead. An experiment to have pharmacists working in GP surgeries in England is being extended to help with pressure on GPs.
Food safety officials are highlighting the dangers of over cooking food because it increases levels of a cancer causing chemical called acrylamide.
Thousands of people in Britain may be infected with a newly discovered sexually transmitted infection (STI), experts say.
The government says it wants to halve the number of stillbirths and deaths among newborn babies in England by 2030.
Tweets sent by people feeling ill could be used to pinpoint outbreaks of illnesses such as norovirus, according to the chief scientist at the Food Standards Agency (FSA).
Thousands of people in England could be risking their health by shunning their annual flu jab, say doctors’ leaders.
New wide-ranging guidelines are being published to help women manage symptoms of the menopause more effectively.
You may have heard that a glass of red wine is good for your heart, but doesn’t drinking alcohol raise your blood pressure and damage your heart too?
If you’re making changes to your diet for better heart health you are on the right track, but it’s always good to be reminded of what’s healthy for you, and for your heart.
Tempting though it may be to molly-coddle your teen and do everything for them, you’re not doing them any favours when they have to live in the real world without you to look after them. So get teaching them these 10 life skills.
Many teens love their beds. You can’t get them out of them on a school day morning and they think nothing of lying in at weekends until the afternoon. So how come they are still tired?
A change in sense of humour could be an early indication of dementia, according to an intriguing study.
The NHS is failing to commission a full range of education courses for every person who has diabetes in over a third of areas in England, new figures have revealed.