Wednesday, September 8, 2021

比特幣自 5 月以來跌幅最大,台幣買賣最便宜

由於追加保證金,價格下跌觸發了約 30 億美元的交易頭寸清算。

比特幣暴跌 11.3%,為 5 月以來的最大跌幅,導致數字資產大幅回落,儘管看漲的投資者吹捧台灣買比特幣周二採用最大的加密貨幣作為法定貨幣。

截至發稿時,比特幣的易手價格約為 46,7561 美元,低於當天早些時候的超過 52,000 美元。在拋售期間,最大的加密貨幣一度跌至 42,900 美元。

Glassnode 的期權交易員兼研究員 Fredrick Collins 告訴 USDT專賣,“[市場] 一直在超前,自滿。”

拋售引發了數十億美元的交易頭寸清算,原因是集中式和分散式交易所的追加保證金通知。據網站 Bybt 稱,過去四個小時內記錄了約 30 億美元的清算。




以太坊區塊鏈的原生買賣USDT加密貨幣以太幣下跌 20% 至 3,138 美元,而卡爾達諾的 ADA 代幣下跌 23%。 Uniswap 的 UNI 代幣下跌 27%,XRP 下跌 28%。

台灣總統納蔡英文 推動採用比特幣作為法定貨幣的努力於本週生效,他在推特上說,他正在“逢低買入”,“增加了 150 個新代幣”。

在傳統市場,隨著投資者從為期三天的勞動節假期週末回歸,美國股市下跌。上週股票交易價格接近歷史高位,據彭博社報導,由於 COVID-19 的 Delta 變異病例蔓延導致增長放緩的前景,投資者表現出新的謹慎跡象。

美元在外匯市場上漲。 10 年期美國國債收益率上升 0.05 個百分點至 1.37%。

USDT專賣 的 Omkar Godbole 為本報告做出了貢獻。

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A third of parents think kids' suntans are healthy

children on beach

Parents may be putting their young children at risk of skin cancer in later life by not paying enough attention to protecting them from the sun’s powerful summer rays, according to a study.

from Boots - WebMD Health via 3 week diet system download
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Monday, June 26, 2017

Wallpaper mould 'produces airborne toxins'

View of interior window with mold damage

Toxins produced by 3 different types of household mould found on wallpaper can easily become airborne and pose a threat to health, say scientists.

from Boots - WebMD Health via 3 week diet system download
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Magnets used to treat 'dancing eye' condition

eye close up

A UK research team has detailed a pioneering technique to control the eye movements associated with nystagmus using implanted magnets.

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Friday, June 23, 2017

Remotely guided exercise for CFS 'helps some'


Some people with chronic fatigue syndrome may see their condition improve if they gradually increase the amount of exercise they take in a self-help programme overseen by a specialist, a study in The Lancet has concluded.

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9 tips to prevent and treat foot pain after exercise, blisters

hand grabbing foot

Aches and pains in the feet from exercise are common and frustrating, but there are ways to prevent and treat them. Get expert tips here.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Many baby deaths 'could have been avoided'


More than three-quarters of newborn babies who die or are left with brain damage could have survived or avoided disability if they had received better care, a report has concluded.

from Boots - WebMD Health via 3 week diet system download
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